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Bulbasaur flocked (Pokemon)

A soft pok?mon

Funko has represented Bulbasaur here in a flocked version with a soft peach skin texture. We can see its small compact body with its four legs on the ground and its rather round head with pointed ears. His skin is green with darker spots and of course we find the bulb growing on his back and giving him all his powers.


A hybrid pok?mon

Bulbasaur (Bulbizarre in French) is a first generation pok?mon in the famous Nintendo video game of the same name. As its name suggests, Bulbasaur is a funny mammal-like pok?mon with a bulb growing on its back. However, Bulbasaur is a plant and fish type pok?mon, the latter always living near water. The bulb on its back, which grows as it evolves, allows it to store energy and not eat or drink for days. He can also project seeds that parasitize his opponents.


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