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Eleven Slicker (Stranger Things)

In the rain

Eleven is shown here wearing the outfit she wears when she and Max go looking for Billy who is not at his job at the pool as he should. She wears a short jean with white stripes and very high waist. With that, she wears her usual white sneakers a little high. She also wears a dark blue t-shirt and a red raincoat with an open hood. Finally, her hair is pulled back and plastered on her head by the rain.


A Different Life

Eleven is one of the heroines of the famous fantasy series Stranger Things set in the United States in the mid-1980s. In season three, the groups” are re-mixed a bit and enriched with new characters like Robin and Erica who will join Steve and Dustin in their part of the story. At the beginning of the season, Eleven is happy to finally have an almost normal life and to spend most of her summer with her friends but especially her boyfriend Mike. But when Mike starts acting weird because Hopper is tired of him spending all his time with his daughter, she finds herself spending a lot more time with Max. She will introduce him to ordinary teenage pleasures like shopping or magazines but they will also have fun using Eleven’s powers to go and spy on their relatives. And this is how she will realize that something is wrong with Billy, Max’s half-brother.


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