A unique event
Harry Potter, the hero of the literary and cinematic saga of the same name, is a young English boy who learns on his eleventh birthday that he is in fact a wizard. Indeed, he was raised by his aunt and uncle after the death of his parents when he was eleven. He was accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where he learned more about his origins and the terrible events that led to the death of his parents. He also learned more about magic in general and was helped by his two best friends Ron and Hermione. In fourth year, Ron’s family, the Weasleys, who consider Harry as their own family, invite him to join them to attend the Quidditch World Cup final. And if everyone has a great time at the beginning, it is there that the mangemorts, the followers of Voldemort will disrupt the party and mark a turning point in the history of the saga.
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