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Tenth Doctor with hand (Doctor Who)

The Doctor has lost his touch

On this new figurine of the tenth Doctor, we find the look so particular of the tenth Doctor with his elegant striped suit always worn with colored converses, here red. On the head, his face is simple but we find his characteristic haircut. In his hand, he holds the container containing the hand he had cut off at the beginning of his regeneration. This one has time to grow back but the cut hand also remains alive and starts to have a life of its own.


A popular doctor

The Tenth Doctor is an important character of the second generation of Doctor Who, the cult science fiction series of the BBC. We follow the adventures of the Doctor, an alien time lord who can see through time and space thanks to the TARDIS. He can regenerate when he is mortally wounded but while he retains his memories, his personality and appearance are different. This character is the tenth incarnation of the Doctor.


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