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War Doctor (Doctor Who)

A tired man

The War Doctor is a relatively old man and especially tired of having lived only for war. This can be seen in his wrinkled and marked face. We also find his chestnut hair with a very particular cut and slightly tinted with a white color that matches his goatee. On the body, we find her elegant outfit in various shades of brown with nice details like her pocket watch.


The War Doctor

The War Doctor is an important character in the new generation of the science fiction series Doctor Who. We follow the adventures of the Doctor, an alien over 900 years old and traveling through space and time. He regenerates regularly with a new appearance and personality but retaining his memories. The War Doctor was a very old incarnation of the Doctor. Tired of the Time War, he was willing to destroy the Daleks and his own people to stop it. But the Moment, an artificial intelligence shows him a glimpse of his future incarnations and he finally decides to save his planet, thus becoming a true hero for future generations.


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