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Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)

The famous young blonde woman

Rose Tyler has been represented here with one of the outfits that we see her wearing in one of the first episodes and on many promo pictures of the series. She wears blue jeans, her famous t-shirt with the English flag and a short jacket and sneakers. At the level of the head, we recognize well her famous blond hair and this half ponytail that she wears so often. Funko even thought of adding a little makeup on her eyelids to complete the figure.


The companion of the first doctor of the new generation

Rose Tyler is one of the main characters of the first two seasons of the new generation of Doctor Who, the famous English series of the BBC. The Doctor is an alien who can travel through time and space in the TARDIS, a ship shaped like an English police box. The Doctor usually has an Earth companion to accompany him. In the first season, the ninth Doctor saves Rose Tyler and she decides to accompany him. She will stay with him until the end of season 2, where she will be trapped in a parallel dimension. She is the first companion whose life we know before their meeting and who has a real influence on him.


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