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Belle (Once Upon A Time)

Belle in her riding costume

Belle is portrayed here with her costume from the fairy tale world. Being a modern and dynamic young woman, she is most often in pants to be able to move and ride. With that, she wears brown leather tops. Her tunic is very inspired by the 18th century male fashion with its balloon sleeves and its big collar. With that, she wears long matching gloves and holds a dagger in one of her two hands. At the head level, her face is quite simple but we recognize her brown hair and the so particular way she has to tie it up.


A new version of the famous character

Belle is one of the important characters of the series Once Upon A Time. She appears at the end of season 1 and is at that time a prisoner of Regina and totally amnesic (like the rest of the town). Once her memory is recovered, we learn a little more about her history. Like the one in the Walt Disney cartoon, she is a very intelligent young woman with a passion for reading. When an enemy army threatens to invade her kingdom, Belle’s parents call upon Rumplestiltskin and his magical powers. Rumplestiltskin agrees to help them in exchange for Belle as their servant. The parents refuse, but Belle agrees to sacrifice herself. Against all odds, they grow fond of each other and even fall in love. They are separated at the time of Regina’s spell but when it is lifted, they are finally reunited. Throughout the series, she will try to fight her evil tendencies.


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