The butler transformed into a clock
Big Ben is a character from the Disney cartoon Beauty and the Beast”, adapted from the classic tale of the same name. This cartoon begins when one stormy night, an old woman shows up at the castle of a handsome young prince. She asks him for shelter in exchange for a single rose. But the prince, vain and selfish, mocks her and pushes her away. She turns into a beautiful young woman and casts a terrible spell on him and the whole castle. He is transformed into a horrible beast and all the staff of the castle, into objects. To show him that only inner beauty counts, the spell can only be broken if he can love a woman and be loved in return in that guise. His butler, a man always concerned with protocol and rules, is transformed into a clockwork. When the sweet and intelligent Belle arrives at the castle, Big Ben does everything he can to make her leave and not anger the beast. But the other servants see a chance to break the spell and finally return to human form.
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