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Figurines Pop King Kai et Bubbles (Dragon Ball Z)

An unforgettable physique

Comm in the cartoon, King Kai is stocky and dressed in a long black robe with a black Japanese pattern on a white background and yellow stripes. His feet are purple and his sleeves are red. Finally, on the head, we find his blue skin with two kinds of antennas on the top of the head and on the cheeks. He is accompanied by Bubbles who is a small monkey with a classic look with brown fur and a face and hands lighter and without hair. He is shown sitting up looking ready to pounce and wearing a little smile.


A funny instructor

King Kai is one of Goku’s martial arts instructors in the Dragon Ball Z series and manga and he is also the king of the North Zone of universe 7. King Kai is an excellent instructor and he is also known for his particular sense of humor and the importance he gives to it. Indeed, to be accepted as a student, all his disciples must first make him laugh. Bubbles is a monkey and his best friend as well as his pet. He has an important role in the training of the students since they have to chase him to try to catch him. But gravity is much stronger on King Kai’s planet and Bubbles is much more accustomed to it than his students.