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First Order Stormtrooper (Star Wars)

If these new Stormtroopers are very close to the old ones, we can still see some differences, their armor seems more sober and therefore more modern, their weapon is a little bit different and especially their helmet, although still white and black, has a new and more modern design. As for the figure itself, it seems more finely crafted than the first Stormtroopers.


First Order Stormtroopers

The First Order Stormtroopers are characters of the new movie of the saga Star Wars: The Force Awakens. They are the descendants of the famous Stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire in the first trilogy, but they are under the orders of the First Order. They now have the right to a brand new white armor and a blaster rifle. Finn is one of these Stormtroopers before joining the Rebel Alliance.


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