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Flash (Zootopia)

A figure in the image of the character

This figure of Flash is one of the most successful of the series. At the body level, we can see the suit and tie that Flash wears. His pants are beige, his short-sleeved shirt is green and we also find his striped tie and belt! Like the other animals of Zootopie, he does not wear shoes and his arms are very long like those of the sloths. His beige clawed paws are nicely represented in an attitude very faithful to the character. On the head, the creators of the figurine kept the usual shape of the pop figurines but added fur on the sides of the head. The patterns of different grays are nicely represented on the face. His big nose is represented in relief in the middle of the face. His eyelids are partially closed and for once, Funko drew his mouth to give him that sleepy look he always has.


The lightning-fast sloth

Flash is a character from Zootopia, the Disney animated film set in a world of anthropomorphic animals. It’s a version of Earth where humans aren’t around and and animals live in a society that seems human and contemporary with large cities and complex infrastructure. They wear clothes, talk and walk on their hind legs. We will follow the adventures of a young rabbit who has just graduated from the police academy. As the first rabbit to do so, she is initially very proud to be assigned to the police station in downtown Zootopie. But she is not taken seriously and assigned to parking enforcement. At the police station, she comes across an otter who has come to report her husband missing, so she seizes the opportunity to investigate to prove her worth. With few clues to start her investigation other than the license plate of the last car the missing person was seen in. Not having access to the plate register, she will ask for help to Nick Wilde, a fox that she caught in an ice cream scam. He agrees to help her in exchange for her freedom. He takes her to see his lazy friend who works at the DMV. This will create one of the funniest scenes of the movie when Flash will take an infinite time to find the information that Judy came looking for.


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