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Kid Buu (Dragon Ball Z)

Small but strong

This form of Buu is the smallest and youngest in appearance. His pink body is rather thin and a bit muscular. He is always shirtless and wears wide white pants with a yellow belt buckle with the M of Majin Buu on it. He also wears matching wrist guards. He is represented with one hand forward in a threatening way. On the face, we can still see his pink skin, his frowning eyebrows and finally this funny growth on the top of his head.


A pure and dangerous form

Kid Buu is the purest and most dangerous form of Majin Buu, one of the main antagonists of the Dragon Ball Z anime series and manga. In this form, he is particularly dangerous because he behaves more or less like a capricious child but also a sociopath. He doesn’t put any brakes on his cruelty and is ready to do anything to destroy planets for his own pleasure, even putting his life in danger. He is also particularly unpredictable during fights and it is not uncommon to see him burst out laughing or acting like a monkey if he is amused.