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Majin Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z)

A terrifying character

Majin Vegeta is represented here in his Majin version. He is wearing a blue tight-fitting outfit, mostly damaged and torn, as well as white boots and gloves. His hair is yellow and points to the top of his head. His eyes are turquoise green and he wears the M symbol of the majin wizard on his forehead. Finally, he is surrounded by a swirl of golden magic.


A dangerous mix

Majin Vegeta is the result of the mind control of the great warrior Vegeta by the wizard Majin Babidi in the famous manga and anime Dragon Ball Z. Indeed, when Vegeta faced Buu, the sorcerer Badibi tried to take control of his brain but only managed to control half of it. This part of Vegeta disappeared when Buu was defeated and Vegeta was resurrected but he did not die and was sent to hell where he had to learn to control his rage. But once he returned to Earth among the humans, he had only one goal, to destroy all humans one by one. And with Vegeta’s warrior power and his wizard powers, this makes him a very dangerous person


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