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Mewtwo flocked (Pokemon)

A funny cat

Mewtwo is represented here in a flocked version, with a soft peach skin texture. His powerful cat-like hind legs and his funny three-toed front legs are clearly visible. He stands on his hind legs even if, in the game, he is more often levitating. At the head level, we find his horns, his black eyes and his concentrated air.


A magical Pok?mon

Mewtwo is a first generation legendary pok?mon. Pok?mon are mutant creatures found in the video game Pok?mon and in its animated series. Mewtwo is a very special pok?mon because it was created in a laboratory by Team Rocket from the pok?mon Mew to make it more powerful. For this reason, it has no possible evolution and, being asexual, it has only this form. Like Mew, its powers are mainly psychic, it can create tension and pressure in its opponents. This forces them to spend more energy to fight him and to forget to eat to regain their strength.