Ultimate Enemies
Harry Potter and Voldemort are the two legendary enemies of the Harry Potter literary and film saga. Harry Potter is a young English boy who has been orphaned and living with his wicked aunt since his parents died when he was only one year old. On his eleventh birthday, he learns that he is in fact a wizard, as were his parents. He will then join the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and discover a world that is brand new for him. But he will also learn that his parents did not die in an accident as he was told, but were killed by the terrible wizard Voldemort. Voldemort had gathered a group of followers and they had all promised to get rid of all non-pure-blooded wizards. Harry’s parents were, of course, opponents and when Voldemort came to their house to try to kill young Harry for some mysterious reason, they objected and died instead. But Voldemort was also hit by a powerful spell that destroyed him but did not kill him completely. In the fourth movie, Peter Pettigrew, one of his Death Eaters, manages to give him back a complete human form and he will try to pick up where he left off.
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