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Goku and Flying Nimbus (Dragon Ball Z)

A young Goku on his cloud

Goku is represented here as a child on the magic cloud which serves as a means of transport and which was given to him by Master Roshi after he saved Turtle. He is wearing his blue training suit and sandals. On the head, his face is basic but we can see the famous spiky haircut so characteristic of the character. Finally, he is of course represented on his famous yellow cloud ending with this funny little point.


The young hero

Goku is the main character of the Dragon Ball Z mangas and cartoons. In the first Dragon Ball series, he was a young boy particularly gifted in martial arts who fought many villains of all kinds. In Dragon Ball Z, he’s grown up and married, and he’ll discover that he’s actually from another planet of fearsome warriors. His fights and his enemies will then take another dimension


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