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Indoraptor (Jurassic World Fallen World)

A terrifying creature

As we can see in the first images of the movie, the indoraptor is entirely black with some spots and lines of a very bright golden yellow. Its back legs are powerful and its long tail gives it balance. Its front legs are much smaller but with impressive claws. Finally, we find his red eyes and his mouth is open to give him an even more threatening look.


The most dangerous dinosaur in the world

The indoraptor is a hybrid dinosaur presented as the most dangerous dinosaur in the world and will be the main antagonist in the movie Jurassic World Fallen Word. It shows some resemblance to velociraptors but it is much bigger than the average one. We know that at some point the indoraptor is going to be auctioned off but given the other images in the movie, we can imagine that, as usual, things don’t really go as planned.


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