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Lucio (Overwatch)

A groovy character

Given his status as a Brazilian singing star, Lucio has a colorful look. Like most of the other characters, Lucio wears an armor but it is made of very colorful metal elements, mainly green and blue. We also find of course his famous shoes looking like some kind of futuristic rollerblades. In his right hand, he holds the sonic pistol which he uses against his enemies. On the head, we find of course his black skin as well as his small goatee and especially his impressive dreadlocks grouped in a ponytail. Finally, he also wears his transparent yellow plastic visor.


A singing star in the service of the people

Lucio is one of the playable characters in the video game Overwatch from Blizzard Studios. In this online first-person shooter, players must organize themselves into teams of six in order to face their opponents in a battle to gain control of an arena. Lucio is from Rio where he grew up in a favela and started singing and dancing to become an international star. He decided to use his music and fame to help his people and make the world a better place.