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Mal (The Descendants)

The girl with purple hair

As we can see in the movie, Mal always wears clothes with purple dominance. We find this purple pants with black patterns with matching boots. On top, she wears her famous purple jacket with different touches of colors, spikes and golden zippers. Finally, at the head level, her face is quite simple but we find her beautiful purple hair.


The daughter of Maleficent

Evil is one of the main characters in the Disney Channel TV movie The Descendants. In this movie, The Beast, after marrying Beauty, became king and formed the United States of Auradon. He sent all the villains and their families to the island of oblivion from which they cannot escape. Sixteen years later, the son of the Beast, now king in his turn, offers the children of some of these villains to come and study in Auradon. Mal, the daughter of Maleficent is one of these teenagers.


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