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Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter)

A typical witch

Minerva McGonagall’s appearance changes very little throughout the series so the way she was portrayed was pretty obvious. As always, she wears a long black robe that can almost make her look like a nun at times. Over it, she wears her long dark green witch’s cloak with wide sleeves and a very fine texture. Her left hand is pointed forward and in the other one, she holds her wand. On the head, we can see the marks of age on her face: small wrinkles at the corners and under the eyes. Her eyelids are also more marked than the average pop figure. Her hair is almost completely hidden under her big pointed witch hat that she never leaves. The hat matches her coat and the embroidered pattern is once again nicely represented.


The cat woman

Professor McGonagall is an important character in the Harry Potter books and movies by J.K Rowling. She appears in the first scene of the movie and will be present until the end, having a more or less important role according to the books and movies. Harry Potter tells the story of a young English boy who discovers that he is a wizard the day he receives his letter of admission to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Having always lived with his aunt and uncle, he soon learns that his parents were also wizards and actually died to protect him from Voldemort, the most terrible wizard of all time. When he arrives at Hogwarts, he will discover a whole new world and make friends. But he will also be placed in one of the four houses of the school, Gryffindor, where his parents were. At the head of the Gryffindor house, there is professor Minerva McGonagall, also a transmigration teacher. She also has the rare ability to be an animal and therefore to be able to transform herself into an animal, in her case a cat. She was one of the three people present when Harry was dropped off as a baby at his aunt’s house after his parents were murdered. She is a brilliant witch, firm but fair and throughout the story she will do her best to help, educate and protect Harry as best she can.