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Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts)

The Wizard of the 20’s

This new movie takes place well before the Harry Potter saga in the 20’s, so the characters wear clothes adapted to that time. For Newt Scamander, we find this famous shortened pants worn with brown boots. On top, he wears an elegant light brown as well as a jacket matching his pants and a blue mid-length coat contrasting with the whole of his outfit and including of course a pocket for his magic wand. In his left hand he holds his wand and in the other, he holds a silver magical egg. On the head, his face is quite simple but we can recognize the characteristic haircut of the character. His hair is quite short on the left side with a thick lock of hair falling on the right side of his face.


The Fantastic Beasts Specialist

Newt Scamander is the main character of the new saga derived from the Harry Potter universe, Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. The creators of the film based their work on the book written by J.K. Rowling under the pseudonym of Newt Scamander and listing all the fantastic animals of the wizarding world. Newt Scamander was born in 1897 and by the time he was eleven years old, he had entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the House of Hufflepuff in particular. He was later expelled, having taken the blame for an experiment by his friend Leta Lestrange that went wrong. In 1926, he went to New York to complete the writing of his book: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. Unfortunately, his suitcase is exchanged by mistake with that of a muggle and several of his creatures escape, including a niffler”, an adorable little creature attracted by gold, who then goes to rob a bank. He will then find himself unwillingly involved in the strange phenomena taking place at that time in New York.