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Psycho (Borderlands)

The White Mask Killers

Like all the ones in the game, this psycho is shirtless and wears orange pants with lots of straps and various details. One of his hands is gloved and represented as a gun. On his face, he wears a white mask with an upside down V” representing his obsession for the “Vault”. His eyes are of a bright unnatural blue to remind the mutant side of these characters.


Mutant Bandits

Psychos are a type of character in the video game Borderlands. A mix of role-playing game and FPS, this game takes place on the alien planet of Pandora. Now abandoned and at the mercy of bandits and other creatures, it was once exploited for its mining resources and alien technology. The player is in pursuit of the Ark which, according to legend, contains extraordinary treasures. The psychos are bandits driven mad by their obsession with the Vault”, another huge cache of alien technology.


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