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Peter Venkman with fluff (Ghostbusters)

A funny shape for a god

Peter Venkman is represented here after his fight against the giant Marshmallow man whose god Gozer took the appearance. He is wearing his usual ghost hunter outfit. It’s a beige jumpsuit with big black boots and matching black gloves. He wears his proton pack on his back and holds the gun in his hand to attack the ghosts. Finally, he is so partially covered in marshmallow that exploded everywhere when the Gozer god was defeated.


The most famous ghost hunter

Peter Venkman is one of the main characters of the fantasy movie Ghostbusters released in 1984. With his colleagues from the university, he studies parapsychology phenomena and tries to prove the existence of ghosts. But when they cause an accident and damage to the library, they are expelled. They then decide to start their own ghost hunting business which will soon work due to the growth of supernatural phenomena in New York. This is due to the ancient Sumerian god who will awaken others. Peter Venkman is the most self-confident of the bunch, he is the one who puts himself forward from a communication point of view and he is also a seducer. He is more specialized in psychology whereas the others are scientists.


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