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70’s Wanda (WandaVision)

Sitcom stuff

Wanda is represented here with her big belly and already ready to give birth. She is wearing a high-waisted dress with multicolored stripes opening to another layer of red fabric, as well as tall brown leather boots. Her red hair is now much longer and straighter in the fashion of the 70s. Finally, she is holding a fruit cup, one of the ridiculous accessories she wears in front of her to hide her sudden pregnancy from her friend, referring to the tricks used in the shows to hide the pregnancies of actresses.


Across Time

Wanda Maximoff is the central character of the Marvel TV series WandaVision. In this series, which begins as a 1950s sitcom, she and her husband Vision have just moved to the small town of Westview and are trying to fit in as best they can. But Vision having been killed by Thanos in the last Avengers, we quickly suspect that things are not what they seem. And indeed, from one episode to another, we go from the 50s to the 60s and then to the 70s where Wanda suddenly finds herself pregnant. Her belly grows very quickly and from the middle of the episode taking place in a 70’s sitcom atmosphere, she is ready to give birth. It is also in this episode that we start to understand that everything is not as real as it seems when the character of her friend Geraldine seems to know a lot about her past.


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