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Annie Edison (Community)

The good student

Annie is represented here with her appearance of a very serious student. She wears, as always, a rather smart outfit consisting of an over-the-knee gray skirt with flat ballet flats. She is also wearing a smart green blouse with a turquoise vest over it. In her hands, she holds a book and a pen. Finally, her medium-length brown hair is wisely pulled back with a barrette on top of her head.


A student too serious

Annie Edison is one of the main characters of the series Community. The series follows seven members of a study group at Greendale, a community college in the United States. Annie was a model student in high school, showing great promise and high achievement. But towards the end of her senior year, the pressure got to her and she became addicted to Adderall (performance enhancing drugs). She had to go to rehab and lost her scholarship to a more prestigious university. She ended up at Greendale with, among others, Troy Barnes who she had a crush on in high school. She is determined to get her life back on track and continues to be studious and always fully prepared. This is not always going to be easy with a study group made up of people who are not always so serious, notably Jeff, a lawyer forced to go back to school because he had falsified his law degree.


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