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Captain America Gamerverse (Avengers video game)

A new armor

Funko has represented Captain America here with the outfit he wears in the game. We can recognize the colors of his costume but he wears a metallic armor in the same spirit as Iron Man. We find the stars and colors of the American flag as well as a mask with the A on the forehead and his eyes coming out in white. Finally, one fist is clenched in a fighting position and the other holds his famous round shield with a star in the center.


The Boy Who Became a Giant

From his real name Steve Rogers, Captain America is one of Marvel’s most popular superheroes and one of the first to be created. Steve Rogers was a young man who wanted to enlist in World War II, but his poor health prevented him from doing so. But his courage and determination made him noticed by a scientist who proposed him to be part of a super soldier program. It worked and he became much taller, stronger, faster and more resilient. He was left for dead when his plane crashed into a lake at the end of the war. He was found decades later and recruited by SHIELD to become a member of the Avengers. In the video game from Square Enix Studios, the Avengers split up after the terrible events of A Day but they will have to get back together again at the initiative of Tony Stark.