The queen who wanted to be a man
Cersei Lannister is one of the main characters of the novels A Song Of Ice And Fire” and of the series “Game Of Thrones”. Played by Lena Headey, Cersei is the oldest daughter of Tywin Lannister, the powerful lord of Casterly Rock. She has a younger brother Tyrion, whom she has hated since birth, and a twin brother Jaime, with whom she has had an incestuous relationship since adolescence. Following the rebellion against the former king Aerys Targaryen, Robert Baratheon became king and married Cersei, making her the queen of Westeros. Cersei has always hated her husband and we will learn very quickly that her 3 children are not his but his brother Jaime’s. The queen is a cold and manipulative woman, ready to do anything, including playing with her charms, to get what she wants. Her only true love is for her children, whom she considers her only source of joy. She will always be frustrated at being a woman and not being able to access the power reserved for men and who, according to her, rarely deserve it.
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