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Daenerys Targaryen on Dragonstone throne (Game Of Thrones)

Daenerys on her throne

Daenerys is shown here sitting on her throne in Dragonstone, which she sits on as soon as she arrives in the ancestral city. Unlike the famous iron throne composed of hundreds of swords, this one is much simpler and crude but just as imposing. It is composed of a single and very large piece of obsidian, the famous black stone of Dragonstone to kill white walkers and it is very well represented here. Daenerys sits there with her hands crossed on her thighs. She wears a long gray dress and an elegant black coat with very marked shoulders and a simple piece of red fabric. This is in stark contrast to the light and much brighter colors she had worn during all the previous seasons on the much warmer continent of Esos. Her red cape can also be seen held by the silver chain across her torso. Her blonde hair is elaborately braided to reflect the importance of her new status.


The Queen is back

Daenerys Targaryen is one of the main characters of the Game Of Thrones series having become increasingly important since the very first episodes until becoming one of the last contenders to the throne of Westeros. After spending several seasons in Meereen trying to keep the peace and ensure that the slaves she freed would stay that way, Daenerys finally gathered her army and set out for Westeros. Thanks in part to Varys and Tyrion, she is joined by the Greyjoy, Tyrell and Martel families and arrives at Dragonstone, her family’s former seat. There, she immediately takes her place on the great ancient stone throne used in the time of the Targaryen kings. If Daenerys starts winning and triumphs in many battles thanks to her dragons, she soon suffers great losses because of Euron Greyjoy who captures or kills all the women of the Martell family as well as Yara Greyjoy. She then loses Olenna Tyrell to Jaime Lannister’s army. When Jon Snow comes to her to propose an alliance, needing to mine the stone present at Dragonstone and allowing to kill the white walkers, after many conflicts, she insists that he pledges his allegiance to her, which he finally does, judging his cause more important than his potential title of king. A romance eventually develops between them, unaware that they are in fact aunt and nephew.


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