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Deadpool’s chimichanga truck (Deadpool)

A perfect Pod Rides for Deadpool

If this aspect was a little ignored in the movie, in the comics Deadpool will regularly buy chimichangas to the point of ending up having his own truck. So we find this truck with the typical shape of American food trucks. This one is yellow with chrome plates on the bottom of the vehicle. On the side we find the deadpool’s chimichangas logo with the colors of the character and several small peppers drawn in several places of the car. The roof of the vehicle is open so that we can put the figurine of Deadpool sold with it. The character is wearing his classic red and black outfit with full coverage. In his right hand, he holds his famous sword and in his left hand, he holds the chimichanga that he is eating.


Deadpool’s favorite food

Deadpool is a superhero from the Marvel universe. First introduced as an enemy of Wolverine and then later one of his allies, Deadpool finally got his own comic book, recently adapted to the movies. Real name Wade Wilson, Deadpool is a former CIA agent. When he learns that he has incurable cancer, he agrees to participate in a scientific experiment that may be able to cure him. But the scientist who is doing the experiments takes him as a guinea pig. Deadpool is indeed cured but he ends up with a body covered with lesions and a quasi-immortality since he heals himself and can even regenerate if he loses part of his body. Deadpool is also famous for his wacky humor, his very questionable morality for a superhero and the very second degree tone of the comics, the character even allowing himself to break the famous fourth wall”. In the comics, Deadpool is particularly fond of chimichangas, a Mexican specialty, and never misses an opportunity to eat them. It was therefore logical that he was represented with a food truck of chimichangas.