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Ecto 1 with Zeddemore (Ghostbusters)

A transformed ambulance

As we can see in the movie, the Ghostbusters car is not a car like the others but an old model of ambulance of Cadillac brand with the doors opening at the back. So we find this white chassis with many chrome details very nicely represented on this figure. On the front doors, we can see the famous ghostbusters logo and we can see that the fenders are painted in red. On the roof, you can also see the ambulance’s flashing lights and the ghost capture facilities. In the car, we find Winston Zeddemore who did not have a classic Pop figure when the first collection was released. He wears, like the other characters, his beige suit with the company logo. On the head, we find his haircut with the parting on the side and his famous mustache.


The vehicle of the ghost hunters

Winston Zeddemore is one of the main characters of the cult film of the 80s: Ghosbusters. The movie tells the story of three university professors who are fired from their jobs and decide to start a paranormal investigation company. They are joined by Winston Zeddmore. With the construction of a building by the followers of Gozer, an evil Sumerian god, ghostly activity will increase in New York and the ghost hunters will soon have work to do. They will create a machine that will allow them to suck up ghosts and more precisely the ectoplasm, the matter they are made of. The whole thing will be integrated in their famous white car with the Ghostbusters logo.


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