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Highrise Assault Trooper (Fortnite)

An outfit that goes straight to the point

This is a simple military outfit that, despite its uncommon” value in the store, seems the simplest and best suited to the game. The character is wearing green and brown camouflage pants with a matching tank top and, of course, black boots in the specific Fortnite style. Finally, he is shown here with short black hair and holding a blue map in one hand and a pencil in the other.


Military presence

The Highrise assault trooper is the ultimate military looking skin in the video game Fortnite. In this online video game, after a storm that turned 98% of the population into zombie husks, players must survive and reorganize the world by fighting and collecting resources. The Highrise assault trooper is a skin that can be purchased in the Battle Royale version of the game. It’s a military inspired skin, of which the Tower Recon Specialist is the female equivalent.


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