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Roman Senator Deadpool (Deadpool)

The taste of disguise

Funko created this figurine for the 30th anniversary of the character’s appearance, representing him as a Roman Senator. Indeed Deadpool loves to dress up and we often find him with completely crazy disguises, always worn as here over his red outfit and covering him from head to toe. He wears a white toga with a red shawl on the shoulders, a golden belt and brown sandals. He also wears a laurel wreath on his head and stands with one hand forward as if making a speech.


A complex character

Deadpool is a famous character in the Marvel universe. He first appeared in 1991 in the New Mutant comics, and has since gained in popularity and had the right to many adventures dedicated to him. Wade Wilson was a killer for a secret branch of the CIA who later became a mercenary. After being diagnosed with terminal cancer, he agrees to participate in scientific experiments that could save him. He is given a mutation that gives him exceptional regeneration abilities but destroys his skin. Deadpool then continues his career as a mercenary, but occasionally decides to act as a superhero. Deadpool is popular for his often tasteless humor and his tendency to break the fourth wall.


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