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Thor (Avengers Infinity War)

A hero who has taken a turn for the worse

After fighting his sister Hela and seeing the destruction of his world, Thor is no longer as flamboyant as he used to be. He is represented here with an entirely black outfit. He wears simple pants with black boots with metallic reflections and a sleeveless tunic with several spikes on the chest as armor. He wears simple black gloves to protect his hands and we can see that his famous hammer has been repaired as well as possible and that he holds it in his left hand. On the head, we can see his short blond hair and the beard and goatee that now characterize him. Finally, he also has of course the scar around his eye, where his sister took it out.


The return of the God

Thor is one of the heroes of the movie Avengers Infinity Wars which will see the reunion, not only of the original team but also of the newcomers in the world of the heroes, like Doctor Strange, Ant Man or the heroes of Guardians Of The Galaxy who will, for the occasion, meet on Earth. After being absent from Earth for a long time, Thor will find the Avengers team more than divided. However, with the arrival of Thanos and the threat he poses to Earth, they will all have to quickly get on the same page in order to save the planet once again.


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