The narrator
Tokio is one of the main characters of the Spanish series La Casa de Papel of which she is also the narrator although she is not the originator of the idea of the robbery that is told. In fact, this idea comes from the Professor, who has it himself from his father. The idea is to enter the national mint in Madrid, take the employees and visitors hostage and print their own untraceable banknotes. Tokio, whose real name we will learn later, is recruited because she is actively sought by the police after a robbery that went wrong and during which she killed a security guard. If she knows how to be professional, Tokio is indeed hot-blooded and can easily lose control if she is made angry or if someone she loves is touched. This will be the case when Rio, the hacker of the gang, will be hit by the police and she will fear the worst for him. This will also pit her against Berlin, the head of operations in the bank, on several occasions.
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