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Carnage (Venom)

A merciless villain

Funko has depicted Carnage with this sort of red material that covers most of his host’s body, as well as this black material that seems to form a sort of net. We can see that he is infecting his host since we can still see the top of the face and the red hair of the character in question. Like Venom, Carnage is characterized by his very large mouth with many sharp fangs. And as always, he is presented in a dynamic posture, ready to attack.


Even worse than Venom

Carnage is a character from the Spiderman universe and of the same parasitic species as the famous Venom who has already taken over the body of Spiderman and other characters. Venom has a killer instinct but refuses to harm the innocent, so he hunts down criminals and kills them without mercy. Carnage makes no distinction. When he takes over a body, he hunts down and kills all the unfortunates in his path. Of course, he was one of Spiderman’s greatest enemies, and this turned Venom into an anti-hero who joined forces with Spiderman to fight Carnage.


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