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Gilfoyle (Silicon Valley)

A perpetually annoyed character

Like the other characters of the series, Gilfoyle has a very specific style and clothes that rarely change from one episode to another. We thus find his usual black jeans worn with boots style Doc Martens. With that, he also wears a gray long-sleeved shirt and one of his many plaid shirts. At the level of the head, we find his brown hair half-long as well as his goatee matched. His eyes seem to be half-closed to emphasize the expression of disinterest that he wears most of the time. And of course Funko did not forget to represent his black-framed glasses.


The Satanist

Gilfoyle is one of the important characters in Silicon Valley, the HBO comedy. We follow the birth and evolution of a computer start-up in Silicon Valley. We will discover all the traps and obstacles that can be found on the road of a very talented boss but also much too naive for this environment. Richard has developed a revolutionary compression algorithm and when he decides to launch a start-up rather than accept to sell his application to a billionaire, he will need all the help he can get. So he recruits several of the computer scientists living with him in a business incubator. Gilfoyle is one of them. He has the particularity to be a Satanist and to have a cold humor. He also has a friendship/competitive relationship with Dinesh, one of the other developers working on the project.


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