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Grumpy Bear (Les Bisounours)

A storm cloud

Grumpy bear has a dark blue fur and on his little round belly, it is not a Sun or a heart that we can find but an almost black storm cloud (with a few little hearts anyway). His little white muzzle has a heart-shaped nose but his mouth doesn’t smile and makes a little sulky grimace. His eyes are partly closed to accentuate this attitude and his hands are on his hips to show that he is angry.


Not so bad

Grumpy bear is one of the original characters created by artist Claire Russel in the early 80s for a series of greeting cards. Following their success, they were adapted into stuffed animals and very soon also into movies and cartoons. Grumpy bear has always been one of the most important characters, especially notable because he stands out from the others with his grumpy attitude. But he is not so out of place among his Care Bear friends because with his direct and cynical side, he is also there to remind the naked truth, which can be of great help in some cases. In the cartoon, he is also the one who creates all the great machines that the Care Bears use.


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