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Hulk (Avengers Endgame)

Hulk, time traveler

Hulk is shown here wearing the outfit Tony Stark made for time travel. This outfit is a gray jumpsuit with a sort of big black X in the center, some red elements and the Avengers A on the chest. The Hulk stands in a dynamic posture with the bracelet that allows him to travel back in time in his hand. Now that he has Bruce Banner’s personality, his face is much more serene with no angry grin and his usual black hair on his green skinned head.


One and the same personality

Hulk is one of the main characters of the Avengers movies and especially of the Avengers Endgame movie. After Thanos managed to wipe out half the galaxy, the team is in shock but the arrival of Captain Marvel gives them hope that they might be able to fight him. Unfortunately, he destroyed the stones to prevent them from being used again and all hope seems lost. Five years later, some of the Avengers try to continue their work, to maintain peace and order. Bruce Banner is one of them, but his appearance has changed somewhat. He now perpetually looks like the Hulk but with the personality of Bruce Banner. When Scott Lang reappears and thinks they can travel through time to get the stones back, Banner is one of those who tries to convince Tony Stark to help them, and then goes to find Thor in his retreat.


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