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Jessica Jones (Jessica Jones)

No costume for Jessica Jones

Unlike many Marvel heroes, Jessica Jones becomes a superhero that in spite of herself and not considering herself as such, never wears anything else than her classic clothes. However, Jessica has her own recognizable style. We find her usual tight blue jeans with her big flat black leather boots. With that, she wears a simple t-shirt and her famous black leather jacket always accompanied by her black mittens and her big grey scarf. At the level of the head, her face is simple but we find well her thick black raven hair.


A private detective with special methods

Jessica Jones is the heroine of the Jessica Jones series, inspired by the Marvel comics of the same name. Jessica is a private detective living in New York City and trying to drown her past demons in alcohol and work. Gifted with superhuman strength after a freak accident that took her parents’ lives, and driven by her adopted sister and best friend, Jessica tried for a time to be a superhero. But after being under the psychic control of the terrible Killgrave for many months and forced to do things she didn’t want to do, she gave up for good and is trying to rebuild herself. But as she leads a new investigation into the disappearance of a young woman, all the clues seem to lead to Killgrave and Jessica will have to face him again.


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