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Max The Dog (The Grinch)

An adorable creature

Max is represented sitting with his tail raised as if wagging. As in the cartoon, his coat is brown and his little paws are pointed like the Grinch’s feet and hands. He wears a red collar with metallic spikes. On the head, we find his little floppy ears as well as the puff of hair on the top of the head which remind the hair of the Grinch. Finally, his eyebrows and his little smile give Max a particularly joyful and expressive look.


A faithful dog

Max is the Grinch’s little dog in the animated film of the same name inspired by the children’s book by the famous Dr. Seuss. The Grinch is a funny green creature living alone in a cave with his little dog Max. The Grinch is very grumpy and therefore lives in the shelter of the human population to avoid any contact. Max is very loyal to his master and is the only creature that the latter really loves. He follows his master in all his plans and stratagems but we realize that Max is a very cheerful little dog who would only like to be happy and see more people.


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