The dragon cat
Toothless is one of the main characters of the movies Dragons and Dragons 2. Toothless is a Night Fury”, a breed of dragons that stand out because of their blue flames and especially because of their speed and their black color that make them almost invisible. In the first movie, he is wounded by Hiccup, a young viking not really cut out for dragon hunting. Hiccup finds him in the forest but rather than kill him, he decides to try to tame him and even makes him a prosthesis that will help him to fly again. Toothless will have the opportunity to show him that dragons are not the enemies that the Vikings have always believed them to be. Toothless is a very graceful black dragon that was clearly modeled after a feline. He even adopts some cat-like attitudes that are quite amusing in a dragon. He spins in circles before going to sleep, goes crazy over some kind of catnip and likes to stand on high ground to watch his prey or playmates. In the second movie, Toothless and Hiccup are still friends and will have to face new dangers.
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