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Warrior Summer (Rick and Morty)

A killer look

Becoming the leader of this post-apocalyptic band of killers, Summer logically adopts a new style. She wears a kind of rusty metallic armor going from grey to green with large shoulder pads, gloves but also shoes with heels and a funny armor with legs leaving her thighs uncovered. Her hair is loose and disheveled and she has a tattoo on her cheek. Finally, she holds a huge steampunk style gun in her right hand.


Teenage girl becomes a warrior

Summer is Morty’s teenage older sister in the adult animated series Rick and Morty. In this episode, Morty and Summer’s parents have just divorced and, wanting to avoid their father, the two teens ask their grandfather to take them on one of his adventures. He takes them to a Mad Max-like world where he wants to recover the powerful Isotope 322. But Summer falls in love with this dimension and after killing the leader of the Death Stalkers, makes an alliance with them and becomes the new leader.


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