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Wong (Avengers Endgame)

A powerful magician

Wong is shown here wearing his classic Tibetan monk-inspired magician’s outfit, but with more complexity. He wears pants with a long short-sleeved tunic over a longer one, all in various shades of red. He also wears a wide brown belt over another layer of blue fabric. On the face, we find his dark complexion as well as his hair cut very short and his goatee well trimmed. Finally, he is shown using his magic which allows him to create portals, materialized by two transparent yellow circles with magic writings.


Wizards join the fight

Wong is a secondary but fan-favorite character in the Avengers Infinity War and Endgame movies. We first met him in the Doctor Strange movie. He was one of the disciples of The Ancient One where Doctor Strange came in hopes of healing his hand and ended up learning magic and becoming the guardian of the New York Shrine. He was at Strange’s side when Strange fought Kaecilius and also when Thanos attacked New York in an attempt to steal the Time Stone. Wong was one of those who disappeared after Thanos’ snap once he had gathered the six stones, but he was also one of the first to return when the Hulk managed to reverse Thanos’ snap and bring everyone back.


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